Thursday, September 2, 2010

Present Person People Erasing with Regression--Lesson 29

"You’re just like my first husband or “You are all alike,” “All women lie,” “All men cheat,” “You’re just like the other therapist.” These phrases suggest present person people erasing; meaning that they replace the human being in front of them with someone from their past and then they rage.

When someone’s past is triggered they tend to vent with the one who triggered the emotional memory. Or they tend to go to the least objectionable person possible.

When Jackie’s husband left her she said, “The first thing I did was call my mother, that’s how regressed I was. My mother didn’t finish calling him names before saying, ‘I told you when I met Jimmy that he wasn’t any good for you and that you could have done much better. Maybe you’ll listen to your mother next time.’ I felt about two years old. When she got through berating my husband, who by the way came back and we eventually worked everything out, I was looking for a womb to crawl into and more enraged with her than when I was with him.”

Question:When was the last time you got triggered and regressed and raged?

In Lesson 30 you will be given an exercise to see what things trigger you the most.

For more information go to and read The Anger Solution: The Proven Method for Attaining Calm and Developing Healthy, Long-Lasting Relationships, Facing the Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately, The Missing Peace--all available on

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