Sunday, September 19, 2010

Being Sick or ill and Regression and Rage--Lesson 40

Minor or major illness will turn a grown man or woman into a big baby who wants to curl up, be fed and read to. Don’t get me wrong, there’s not a thing wrong with this. It’s just that when illness strikes; maturity, rationality, reason, sound judgment and decisions go right out the door of the sick room. Instead of requesting nurturing and comfort, we actually go into work anyway or refuse to go see the doctor. We want to deny our condition or have someone come take care of us but we don’t ask but we will often rage until someone comes to our cribs.
When people are sick, they kick into survival mode thinking, behaving, speaking and listening. Now put them all together and you end up with inappropriate behavior.

Question: Have you ever been sick and find you are short tempered, unreasonable and maybe even raging a little?

In Lesson 41 We will see the signs that regression and rage may be headed our way.
For more information go to and read The Anger Solution: The Proven Method for Attaining Calm and Developing Healthy, Long-Lasting Relationships, Facing the Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately, The Missing Peace--all available on

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