Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hunger as a Pre-Condition For Regression and Anger --Lesson 37

When a person has gone too long without food—there’s that word again, “Too”, the brain loses oxygen and blood flow. That, in turn, leads to a lack of self-soothing chemicals like serotonin, neo-epinephrine and oxytocin. Extreme hunger makes us lose our patience, poise and practicality. Hunger takes us back to infancy as quickly as anything can. Once a person’s blood sugar is significantly altered we yell at spouses when supper is not served on time much like we did in the crib when nourishment was slow in coming. Adults who are very hungry watch the second hand on their watches to see if the waitress indeed comes to our table in “a minute” after seating us. We may swear at the wait staff as if they were slaves instead of servers.

Question: Have you ever been so hungry that minutes seem to drag and feel like hours and then your "temper" was very short?

In Lesson 38 we will explore another Pre-condition for regression, anger and rage--STRESS

For more information go to and read The Anger Solution: The Proven Method for Attaining Calm and Developing Healthy, Long-Lasting Relationships, Facing the Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately, The Missing Peace--all available on

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