Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Appropriate Anger--Lesson 1

Appropriate anger is about the “Here and Now”; it is a response to issues and situations occurring at the present time. You feel anger because of what your boss said to you this morning or because your spouse incorrectly balanced the checkbook this week.

Appropriate anger expressed in present time and in an appropriate manner, actually draws people to you. If a man says to his wife, “I’m angry and I need to talk”, nine times out of ten the wife will respond with something like, “Okay, tell me more,” or “I’m listening,” or “What’s going on?”If an employee says to a fellow worker, “I’m angry about what went on in the staff meeting this morning,” most fellow employees will say, “Tell me more,” or “Let’s talk about it this afternoon over a cup of coffee.”

Anger lives in the present and so takes minutes to be felt and expressed.

Question: Does it take a long time to tell someone you are angry if you tell them at all?

In Lesson 2. You will find concrete reasons why anger takes forever to talk out.

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