Thursday, June 2, 2011

Building Boundaries & Tearing Down Walls

As I said in yesterday's post. Good boundaries can reduce anger and rage.
First, a boundary is not a wall. Walls are put in place by people who cannot establish boundaries or do not know how to establish boundaries. We can tell the difference between a boundary and a wall by looking at our family and friends to see if they have flat heads from banging them against our walls or calluses on their hands from trying to tear them down. Many of us know more about wall construction than boundary building.
Boundaries help us to separate our thoughts and feelings from those of other people—including, but not limited to—our parents, children, spouses, or friends. Boundaries help us figure out who we are and who we aren’t. They show us where we begin and end and where someone else begins and ends, by establishing the appropriate psychological, emotional, and physical space between us.

There are over 50 lessons on anger management in this blog. I hope they help.

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