Friday, May 20, 2011

No Joke--anger or rage?

Freud declared in his book Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious that laughter is a "discharge of psychical energy." Everyone loves a "good" joke because we can learn a lot while laughing. As the writer George Bernard Shaw said, "When a thing is funny, search it for a hidden truth."
However no one likes to be the "butt" of a joke. Jokes that demeans, demoralizes or belittles are more often than not a form that rage takes. Anytime you have to add at the end of a joke that "it is just a joke" it probably isn't a joke. The one telling it usually has to add, "I was just kidding."

There are 17 more things many/most people "do" when they think they are expressing their anger. Tomorrow I will look at two of the big ones. The other fifteen can be found in my book The Anger Solution. Thanks for your support.

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