Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Brain Chemistry Makes Us Feel Choicless--Lesson 49

Choice is a function of the neo-cortex or the new brain. Scientists tell us this portion of the human brain is roughly ten thousand years old. This new brain is capable of rational and logical thought processes. According to Antonio Damasio, In The Feeling What Happens, the neo-cortex permits, “fine perceptions, language, and high reason. It allows us to ‘think’ about our choices and reason out our options.” The neo-cortex and the developed pre-frontal lobes are basically inactive during the regressed state.

During regression, it is our reptilian or “old brain” that is in charge. This section of the human brain is what we share with reptiles; it has been keeping humans safe for over one hundred thousand years. This brain is only capable of performing the most basic functions; eating, excreting, and procreating and is limited when there is a threat to our physical or emotional survival—real or imagined. It tells us to do one of three things—fight, flight, and freeze.

Question: When was the last time you felt the only choices you had were to fight with words, run away by shutting down, or freezing until the situation was over?

In Lesson 50 we will continue to look at choicelessness and brain chemistry.
For more information go to and read The Anger Solution: The Proven Method for Attaining Calm and Developing Healthy, Long-Lasting Relationships, Facing the Fire: Experiencing and Expressing Anger Appropriately, The Missing Peace--all available on

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